Monthly Archives: June 2010

The Power of Healing

For I will restore you to health and heal you of your wounds. Jeremiah 30:17

I was kidnapped in 1997 by someone I knew.  I had been blind folded, tied up, sexually assaulted, threatened to be killed and held against my will for 12 long hours.  After my attack, I suffered from post traumatic stress disorder and irrational fears.  For 2 years I relived that day over and over and I could not get it out of my mind.  The fear was so overwhelming that I literally lost the life that I once knew and I had considered killing myself twice because I could not see an end to my suffering.  One day I was looking out the window and as I looked out I was mourning that I was not out there living the life I should and began to ask how would I kill myself this time?  For some reason, I turned on the TV and I heard a female preacher scream ‘nothing is impossible with God’!  My circumstances were impossible for me and at that moment, I got on my knees and I prayed to a God that I was not sure was real, but that decision to believe in Him changed my circumstances forever.  The process was long, but I can say that today God has healed my mind and the thoughts that used to torture me are a thing of the past.  I realized during that time that the mind was so very precious and no amount of resources or medication could heal my mind.  Today I never think about what happened to me unless I am telling someone my story….it truly is as if it happened to someone else.  God has given me peace and renewed my mind that transcends all comprehension. Beloved, it is God’s will for you to be healed not just physically but also emotionally.  Please pray with me.  Lord Jesus, I lift up every single person reading this who is in need of emotional healing.  Lord I pray that today is a new day that you would begin the healing and restoration process so that they may live that abundant life that you died to give them.  Give them the courage to forgive those who have hurt them and that you would bind up their wounds forever and to walk in peace as you are putting their past behind them.  In Jesus Name, Amen.

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Posted by on June 10, 2010 in Uncategorized